MACD 5.bin
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Text File
240 lines
XDEF _interpret ; Bitmap-to-Ascii function
XDEF _CopyFont ; Copies a font and aligns it to 16 bit.
XREF _CharData ; Font data
XREF _SrcData
XREF _CharLoc
XREF _CharKern
XREF _Modulo
XREF _FontWidth
XREF _FontHeight
XREF _Underscore
XREF _TrueUnderscore
XREF _LoChar
XREF _HiChar
XREF _IFlags
XDEF _myActivateWindow
USC equ 1 ; Interpreted char was underscored
PUSC equ 2 ; Prevoius char was underscored
PUS equ 4 ; Pending underscored space
CHEIGHT equ 24 ; Max height of unpacked character
link a5,#0
movem.l d1-d6/a1,-(sp) ; Free a couple of registers
move.l 8(a5),a1 ; Bitmap
move.w (a1),d2 ; First row
moveq #0,d4 ; Code
move.b _LoChar,d4 ; First char
move.w _FontWidth,d0
asl.w #1,d0 ; Times two for words
lea MaskTable,a0
move.w 0(a0,d0.w),d3 ; d3 := mask
move.l _CharData,a0 ; Char image data
bclr.b #PUS,_IFlags ; No pending-underscored-space
cmpi.b #31,d4 ; Into printable characters yet?
bhi .Search ; If yes, go and start searching
addq #1,d4 ; Move to next char
adda.l #CHEIGHT*2,a0 ; Increment bitmap ptr also
bra .lp1 ; Back to check again
cmp.w (a0),d2 ; Compare first word
bne .tryinverted ; Not this one
bclr.b #USC,_IFlags ; Assume not underscored
moveq #1,d5 ; current word
moveq #0,d6 ; Modulo
addq #2,d6 ; Add modulo - next bit row in image data
move.w 0(a0,d6.w),d1 ; Character row
cmp.w 0(a1,d6.w),d1
beq .stdmatch ; Rows matched
cmp.w _Underscore,d5 ; Could it be the underscore line?
bne .tryinverted ; Nope
tst.b _TrueUnderscore ; Use true underscore?
beq .uscmatch ; No. Let's hope it's okay
moveq #0,d1 ; 00000000
move.w 0(a0,d6.w),d0 ; 00110000
or.w d0,d1 ; 00110000
rol.l #2,d1 ; 0011000000
or.w d0,d1 ; 0011110000
ror.l #1,d1 ; X01111000
eor.w d3,d1 ; 10000111
or.w d0,d1 ; 10110111
move.w 0(a1,d6.w),d0
eor.w d0,d1 ; Zero if equal
; But, let's skip the last bit since it
; may be affected by the next character
lsr.w #1,d1 ; Shift one step right
and.w d3,d1 ; Mask out last bit
bne .tryinverted
bset.b #USC,_IFlags ; Set underscored flag
addq #1,d5 ; Next row in bitmap
cmp.w _FontHeight,d5 ; Are we done?
bne .morerows ; Not yet
cmp.b #' ',d4 ; Space
bne .notuspace
; Space. Check for underscore
btst.b #USC,_IFlags ; Underscored char?
beq .notuspace ; Nope, everything ok
; Underscored space. Check if previous char was underscored
btst.b #PUSC,_IFlags ; Previous char underscored?
bne .okuspace ; Yep, ok underscored space
; Previous char not underscored. Set pending-underscored-space flag
; and go on to check if the normal underscore char matches
bset.b #PUS,_IFlags
bra .tryinverted
bclr.b #PUSC,_IFlags ; Clear previous-underscored
btst.b #USC,_IFlags ; Underscored char?
beq .interpreted ; Nope
bset.b #PUSC,_IFlags ; Set previous-underscored
bra .interpreted ; Got it
move.w (a0),d1 ; Copy first row
eor.w d3,d1 ; and invert the bits
cmp.w d2,d1 ; Compare inverted rows
bne .trybold ; No match
moveq #1,d5 ; current row
moveq #0,d6 ; Modulo
addq #2,d6
move.w 0(a0,d6.w),d1 ; Character row
eor.w d3,d1 ; and invert the bits
cmp.w 0(a1,d6.w),d1
bne .trybold ; Rows didn't match
addq #1,d5 ; Next row in bitmap
cmp.w _FontHeight,d5 ; Are we done?
bne .moreinverted ; Not yet
bra .interpreted ; Got it
move.w (a0),d1 ; Copy first row
lsr.w #1,d1 ; Shift one step left
or.w (a0),d1 ; Make bold
and.w d3,d1 ; and mask out unwanted bits
cmp.w d2,d1 ; Compare bold rows
bne .trynext ; No match
moveq #1,d5 ; current row
moveq #0,d6 ; Modulo
addq #2,d6
move.w 0(a0,d6.w),d1 ; Character row
lsr.w #1,d1 ; Shift one step left
or.w 0(a0,d6.w),d1 ; Make bold
and.w d3,d1 ; and mask out unwanted bits
cmp.w 0(a1,d6.w),d1
bne .trynext ; Rows didn't match
addq #1,d5 ; Next row in bitmap
cmp.w _FontHeight,d5 ; Are we done?
bne .morebold ; Not yet
bra .interpreted ; Got it
adda.l #CHEIGHT*2,a0 ; Try next character, 32 bytes/char
cmp.b _HiChar,d4 ; Tried all chars?
beq .nomore ; No more to try
addq #1,d4 ; Next char
bra .Search
move.l #0,d4 ; Not found
btst.b #PUS,_IFlags ; Hey, perhaps it was an underscored space?
beq .interpreted ; Nope, return not-found
move.l #' ',d4
move.l d4,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d6/a1
unlk a5
movem.l d2-d6/a2/a3/a5,-(sp) ; Free a couple of registers
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d6 ; Don't shift if no kerning data
move.l _CharData,a2 ; a2 := Destination area
move.l _CharLoc,a3
move.l _CharKern,a5
move.b _LoChar,d5
move.w _Modulo,d3
move.w (a3)+,d0 ; Get char location
move.w d0,d1
and.w #15,d1 ; Shift amount
eori.b #15,d1 ; Negate shift value
addq.b #1,d1 ; d1 := Shift Amount
cmpa.l #0,a5 ; Check for kerning data
beq .nokern ; No kerning to adjust for
move.w (a5)+,d6 ; Kerning
move.l _SrcData,a0
lsr.w #3,d0 ; Byte offset
bclr #0,d0 ; But we deal in words
adda.w d0,a0 ; a0 := chardata
move.w (a3)+,d0 ; Get char width
asl.w #1,d0 ; Times two for words
lea MaskTable,a1
move.w 0(a1,d0.w),d2 ; d2 := mask
moveq #0,d4
move.w _FontHeight,d4
move.l a2,a1 ; a1 := Destination area
adda.w #CHEIGHT*2,a2 ; a2 to next dest area
bra .loop
move.l (a0),d0 ; Get character row
adda.w d3,a0 ; Add modulo -- To next row
lsr.l d1,d0 ; Shift data to bit 0 alignment
and.w d2,d0 ; Mask out unwanted bits
lsr.w d6,d0 ; Shift according to kerning
move.w d0,(a1)+ ; Save row
dbra d4,.copyrow ; Do all rows
cmp.b _HiChar,d5 ; Finished?
beq .copydone ; Yes
addq #1,d5 ; Next char
bra .NextChar ; Nope -- do next.
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d6/a2/a3/a5
dc.w $0000
dc.w $8000
dc.w $c000
dc.w $e000
dc.w $f000
dc.w $f800
dc.w $fc00
dc.w $fe00
dc.w $ff00
dc.w $ff80
dc.w $ffc0
dc.w $ffe0
dc.w $fff0
dc.w $fff8
dc.w $fffc
dc.w $fffe
dc.w $ffff